Just finished taking my lighting class, did some work with my first live model and cant wait to take more portraits/head shots with my new limited edition flame orange
Alien Bee Flash Units (Which I just learned are now sold out). Im hoping that doing more portraits will help me actually make some money to pay for all the equipment I just purchased. Check out some of my first studio portraits at my
Erica Stavis Photography Photo Shelter site. My teacher
Owen Murphy gave some good advice saying that you know you've made a good purchase when you've made your money back within the first two years of purchasing it, so that gives me some time. I sold my Canon EF-S 17-55 Lens on eBay to help leverage the cost of my new lighting set up.....so soon Ill be harassing my friends to come sit for portraits. Next blog Ill be chatting about my decision to sign up for a Photo Shelter Account to display recent photo work and how I'm still trying to figure out which site of mine to plug,
Photo Shelter Site vs.
Web Site
Wow the lighting looks great! I wouldn't know about the pros and cons of plugging your website vs. photo shelter but I'll be checking back for your decision =)